Thursday, June 24, 2010


Why do we have to work?? :(

Went for another interview this afternoon. The 1st time got lost, couldnt find the way and forced to take cab! Arrrgh..... There is a direct bus from my house to that office lor, and still I got lost!

Big organization selling cars, all sorts of branded cars. What position I went for?? Accountant! Crazy Sia!  Was asked to finish a paper. Crap! Goodwill, Working capital ratio, quick ratio, stock turnover, depreciation principals, etc... .... I doubt that idiot know how to answer! Of course failed the interview, the interviewer never failed me but I surrender myself. The way she went through my CV like she was reading alien! However she still asked me if I have confidence to take up the position.

The 3rd interview I went to, called me this afternoon, asked me to go for 2nd interview and I reject again. It is not that I am choosy, the working hours just not right for me. I don't want to reach home after 8pm everyday. I rather start early and if need overtime also reach home 9pm. Their working hours up to 6.30, plus overtime, can only reach home after 8pm. There is no life lor. Don't say I choosy lah. :(

Will be going for 5th interview tomorrow at Novena, wish this will be the last one. It is good location and the position is not Accountant! muahahaha, why I go and apply for accountant and yet the stupid company called me for interview.

God be with me tomorrow...........................................................................................................

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