Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Job Hunting day 2

Today, I went for my 2nd interview at Woodlands Road.

Big company but working environment......sucks. The company is also very stingy. Only 10days Annual Leave and 5.5 work week.

Though I can reach there within half an hour, but the company cannot make it.

I was so tired today, my mind wonders off during the interview.

I couldn't sleep last night, I have so many things to settle. My flat rental not settle yet, how to start work. The 1st interview really left me with stress!

They called me today ask me to start work tomorrow!!! OMG!!!

Okay, now I have got a job, job hunting can stop.

I am left with my flat rental issues to handle.

All in the right track now.

Rent my flat out by August and will be able to tour soon!!!!

God Bless Me!!!!!!