Tuesday, May 25, 2010

KL Trip - Grand Finale

You thought my KL trip ended, haha, below are somemore pictures taken.

Birdie on lamp post
What can you find in a super market? Birdies.. The weather is so hot outside, birdies flew in to enjoyed the aircon.
Toilet at a shopping complex, was amazing that they manage to keep the toilet soooo clean.
Toilet at Luna bar, compare it to toilets in Singapore bars, Singapore bar tenders need to work harder.
When two hands meet.
Both hands worked too much (left) When cutie meets giant (right)
The size of the plane is so small that it did not flew very high in the sky.

The island was so clear from the plane.
The tiny white dots are ships.
My grabs.
Ear rings for Venus.
The best deal I got for this trip.
Wonder why I splurged when I am jobless. Hmmmmm.......

I really enjoyed the trip, thanks to Eunice, the chicken essence was execellent. Before the trip, I thought there will be fear to sit alone in the plane but nope. No romance either, both way of the flight, lady sat beside me. :(

Maybe I should fly alone to Europe then only will I meet my Mr Right??? :p


  1. should come visit me while you and your daughter are on holiday. it's snowing up the mountains in second half of june.

  2. how to go visit you when i m jobless now?
