Sunday, November 28, 2010



Thursday, November 25, 2010


Tomorrow will be the 2nd Friday on my new job. Star Virgo will cruise in around noon. Universal Studio is also insight. BUT all these are behind my back. My view is just a blue partition decorated with copies of papers, protected by plastic cover and on these papers are the countless account codes that can turn one crazy!! It is printed in blue, black, red and yellow, so very colorful that kills you without leaving a trace. I feel like I am dying slowly by these numbers!!!! Do we need so many account codes to make sure the Financial Statements are accurate??? DOUBT SO!!!!!
Lunch on Thursday was sponsored by our supplier, saying that it was Thanks giving day, so bought us lunch. Spaghetti, pies, turkey, beef, ham and salad….. not forgetting the log cake. The best thing of course was the salad.

Getting to know a little of what my duty is supposed to be. It is not easy to work here without guidance. I was only given 2 days to understand my duties, the former AE was patient enough to tell me the story line but I am still trying to float!! Can one imagine, to make a payment, you have to transfer money out from A to B, then from B to C, then from C to D, then only you can settle the payment. To effect this, you need to prepare 4 vouchers, 8 transactions and update excel, then process the transfer on the internet banking.

Then you will be questioned why XXX dated 2009 was not taken into the report. If I can answer that, I am GOD!!!!
Also you don’t report to the FC alone, you have to report to the VP as well. Real sickening!!!!


I still cannot get use to coming home after sun set. Need to work very hard this weekend to hunt for another job. OR should I work harder to hunt for a man?? Then I can stop working, stay at home and be a housemaid.

Whatever, I am watching HARRY POTTER tomorrow night.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Changes Again

Its has been a long time. Finally I got out of that crampy office. My new office is far bigger and is next to the sea. The view is not as fantastic as CA, and of course the accounts people will never get the best view.

The same siting position which makes the job sucks. How I hate to sit back to others. Can't even see what is going on behind my back. Why are offices arrange in this way nowadays?

I am kind of tired of travelling, this new job is so far........ Night fall when I reach home. I think I need time to get use to it.

I wished I could get something that is near my home which comes with such high pay and good benefits.

If I cannot get use to coming home late at night, then I might need to hunt again. I have to endure, endure, endure.....