Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Had an agreement with Venus that she will get one token if she scores full mark for any of her papers. She can trade these tokens for anything that she wants to buy. One token = $1. Strange thing is, if you are giving her $1 for any paper that she score full marks, there is no motivation. Don't understand.

So the poor mummy has to make the tokens from scratch.

Material needed for the tokens.

1st need to think of the picture on the tokens. Have to search for her idols picture then she will get very very excited when she gets one token. hahaha.

After pictures selected, it needs to be resize to fit into the token. After that, a print out is needed.
Then cut the boxes out.
Apply glue and stick onto the card.
Cut the paper to fit nicely onto the card, then stick the tape round the card as protection.


  1. nice token!
    why 10 on the star and wat card you using?

  2. Cards is recycled one, those membership cards that are not in use. The 1st version is 1s, so when she gets 10 1s, will change with her with 10s.
