Monday, November 2, 2009

Same boring story

The same routine over the weekend. Only that I did not get my beauty sleep on Saturday. Sob* Luckily my girl classes on weekend will end in Nov this year and next year there will be no more classes on weekend!! hahahaa..................

Look at Liverpool result on Saturday, really sucks! How lousy they can be if the referee is not siding them. As for MU their performance seems to be lack of something. If Ronaldo is in that match, the score-line could have been 4-0, 5-0. It looks like they will need more effort to get the champion this season. Hope Ferguson will get the right man during the Jan transfer window.

My girl finished her last Chinese tuition lesson yesterday. This tutor, really bad tutor! She commented that my girl will end up a gangster! She scolded the other children “STUPID!” How could a tutor say all these negative things to children?? Not professional at all! She was so nice before we finally told her my girl will not attend her class next year. Her attitude changed once she knew that we will not be her client anymore! Really bad attitude!!! I am thinking of reporting her to IRAS!! I doubt she report her tution income!!!

This week is the final year examination and my girl wasn’t doing her revision until I had to force her yesterday. Haiz. It is a real tough work and its more tiring then working!! When will she start do her own revision without me having to supervise??

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