Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Sky is Getting Clearer

Finally the week had ended.

Went through the books yesterday and getting to familier with the accounts but the accounts is in a mess.

After a week struggling, I get to know what my job is. Actually is a teacher, marking the students work. The physical documents must tie to the spreadsheet they provide.

I was given 2 sets of books to handle. Both need marking and then the other set of book is damn small. AR, AP and journals all transactions less than 50.

These students station in Afganistan and they are Philipines. Checked over their work and got a list of errors. Sianz part is need to confirm then wait for amendments. haiz. time consuming lor.

Basically, still don't like this job. :(

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

In Dilemma

3rd day of working in that horrible place.

Environment, don't like.

Table, don't like.

Laptop, don't like.

Working culture, don't like.

Only thing I like there is the salary. 

Really need help, can someone help get me out of this situation?????



Monday, July 12, 2010

All in Order

Finally, flat rented out and started work today. Meaning??? Got money come in liao lor. :p

1st day of work, very very very sad. Cannot blog, cannot facebook, cannot msn and sit face wall with back to everybody!!! So sad!!!! Still tell me can only go at 1830hrs, to hell they go lah, official hour states in the employment letter is 0900hrs to 1800hrs lor!! No wonder the other colleagues starts coming in only after 0910hrs, most come 0930hrs. I don't care, I reached before 0900hrs so I leave at 1815hr.

Lunch was great, manager bought me lobster set lunch!!!! still order side dish!! So full after the meal and sleepy follows as well.

Whole day doing data entry and checking. Look so senior job but never mind, bear with it, cause the pay high work junior never mind. :p

1st day already don't like how to survive??? Need to go Guan Yin Temple to lot lot again liao !!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Job Hunting Ends

My eyes was twitching non-stop since yesterday. So irritating!

Myth says left eye twitch is good news and right eye is bad news.

At least mine was left eye, so not to worry too much.

Then I got a call to confirm start work !!!

So my left eye twitched for the good news.

Finally can end job hunting!!! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Job Hunting restart - Part II

Went for another 2 interviews in Orchard area. Both companies are bigger than my last employer! 1 dealing with infrastructure projects and communications. The latter is shipping and trading. The latter is a very very very big organization and requires moderate travelling. The accounting duties are also a little difference compared to my past experiences. Hope they will hire me!!

There are 2 more interviews in queue.

Wish I could get a favourable reply from the big big company before the next 2 interviews.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fried Durian!!!!

Very very nice!! Durians lover will love it!!!